Friday, May 30, 2008

Aunt Lauren Visits

My sister Lauren came down to visit today. We took Sean to the outlet malls in Clinton and found a fantastic deal on a Coach purse which I'm considering an early birthday gift.

Its always nice to have company on a weekday. If you ever have a random day off during the week let me know. We are always up for a visit.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Runaway Bunny

Interesting fact:

There is a collection of Margaret Wise Brown's personal papers and manuscripts on display in the Westerly Town Libray. Westerly Rhode Island is the town where Sean was born and Margaret Wise Brown wrote the children's book "Runaway Bunny" and " Goodnight Moon".
Below is a picture of Sean and Mark posed with the Runaway Bunny statue outside the Westerly Town Library.

To find out more about Margaret Wise Brown click below

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Babies

Before Sean my cats Kitsy and Tucker were my babies. Mark and I would buy them toys, treats and take a million pictures of them in all sorts of stupid yet cute contrived scenarios.

Well now I do have a baby and poor Kitsy and Tucker feel a little left out......................

Mother's Day

So I figured that my first mother's day is a big enough deal to be able to write about it even though it happened a couple of weeks ago. I've never really appreciated the holiday before. I'm obviously all for it now. What a great day!!! I woke up to breakfast in bed. Sean was very impressive, I didn't know he could walk let alone fry an egg!!!
Later in the day we meet up with my parents and sisters for a picnic at Roger Williams Park in RI.

The Travelocity Gnome just happened to be passing by so he stopped in for a visit too!

Monday, May 26, 2008

More Pictures

Its amazing how much Sean looks like his dad!

My little boy is getting so strong

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Hey everyone
Thought I'd start this blog to share photos and stories of our little guy as he starts to get big. Its amazing how much he's grown so far. He's such a little boy now. We're very exciting becuase he's been squirming all over the place and laughing. He's really alot of fun.

Check back often. I'll try to be good about updating this.............