Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Sean and I went up to Frye Island over Memorial Day. It was a nice relaxing trip. Weather was not all that great but we were able to get a boat ride in. Sean loved it. We were worried that he might not like the life preserver now that he's older but he had no problem with it.
Sean loved the dock down at the Frye Island Cafe.
Driving Grandpa Hurley's boat
Hanging out inside in his new beach chair.
Checking out my cousin's Hamster
Maybe I shouldn't let the baby play with the hammer....but its pretty cute! :)

Skyping with Mark

Mark was in Norway all last week. Before he had left Sean and I gave Mark a Netbook for his birthday with a built in webcam. The thought being that we could Skype with him while he was on deployment. Skyping is SO COOL!! It was great for Mark to be able to see Sean playing around and Sean to see and hear Daddy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

USS Louisville on Oprah

This is more for Mark than anyone else but I happened to turn on the TV today and Oprah was on. Well looking more closely at what was on the show I realized "Hey I know that guy". They were interviewing Cmdr John Sager of the USS Lousiville. John was Mark's XO when he was on the USS Connecticut and we've kept in touch with him since leaving that boat. Oprah was doing a segment on Skyping and was having the Louisville Skype from under the ocean as an example of how cool Skyping is. Normally we can't Skype with Mark when he's underwater but we're hoping to be able to take advantage of it now that he's on land in Norway.

Take a look at the article about the show from

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sean and Lauren at the Playground

The lawnmower is cool!

Sean thinks that the lawnmower is one of the most fascinating things around. We're having someone mow our lawn while Mark is away and the entire time they are working Sean will stand at the window and watch them. I was at my parent's house last weekend and my father mowed their lawn. Sean again had to watch the entire time. We figured we'd make him more comfortable with his own chair. So there he stayed at the front door a boy and his dog ( well his grandparent's dog) watching Grandpa mow the lawn.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sean's New Car

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sunny Day

Sean and I went for a really long walk today at Bluff's Point. It was a gorgeous day and we had a fabulous time. Sean slept the entire second half of the walk so it was very peaceful for me. Yeah for Sunny Days.
I took the pictures below with my camera phone, so the quality isn't the best.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Marcy The Meerkat

Up until now Sean really hasn't taken to any of the stuffed animals that we've had around the house. I've even tried to force it on him here and there and carry around a particular stuffed animal thinking that it might help him sleep if he saw it as comforting. He wasn't having any part of it. Well he's found his new best friend. Marcy the Meerkat!!! My mother bought it randomly and for some reason Sean has fallen in love with it. He kisses it, has other people give it kisses and carries it around with him all over the place. We've already gone back to the store and bought a duplicate ( just in case) just because he seems to love this one so much.

Now what is a Meerkat you may ask? And no its not a ferret. If you are an animal planet watcher you'll recognize the Meerkat from the television drama Meerkat Manor :).
A Meerkat is a small mammal in the Mongoose family native to South Africa. We didn't just dub the stuffed animal a Meerkat either. The tag says that its name is Marcy the Meerkat.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day Makeover

Today I received a full day a pampering courtesy of the wonderful ladies of Bellani Maternity. I entered a contest where I had a to write a paragraph about why I needed some "me time". Amzingly I was picked as the winner and what a fabulous prize I got. A full day of pampering, an outfit to go out in tonight, plus a restaurant gift certificate and tickets to a show at Trinity Rep. It was unbelieveable!!!!
ABC 6 did a story on the contest. Check out the link below to see the video. unfortunately they couldn't stick around to see the end result and could only film me "in progress". So please excuse the wet hair and no makeup!! :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Catching up

Mark's gone again. This one is the big one. We won't see him again until the end of July. Before he left we tried to cram as much fun into the week that he was home as we could.
First a shot of Mark's Sub coming in to Groton last week. Sean and I went down to meet the boat when it pulled in.
Mark, Sean and I were able to do alot as a family in the week that he was home. He and I got alot done around the house, he was able to come to one of my prenatal apts, we went to Sean's baby class at Bellani Maternity and we took a trip to the Mystic Aquarium. It was a great week but much much too short.
Pictures of the Aquarium are below.
So now its back to just the two of us. We miss Mark already and will try to keep up with the blog more so that when he can access the internet he can see what we've been up to.