Saturday, October 31, 2009

3 days of Halloween

We had a great Halloween. We have the cutest little Dragon and Dalmation that you've ever seen. We stretched the holiday out over three days starting with a Halloween party with my mom's club on Thursday, the Halloween parade at my mother's school on Friday and then Trick or Treating at Mystic Seaport on Saturday.

Ok so these pictures are out of order but its going to take me too much time to put them chronologically and I need to go to sleep.

Mystic Seaport Trick or Treating - Saturday

Halloween Parade at my Mother's School - Friday

Carving Pumpkins - Thursday

Mom's Club Halloween Party - Thursday

Monday, October 26, 2009

Connor's Baptism

This past Sunday we had our little man baptised at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Gales Ferry. My sisters Lauren and Kristen agreed to be Connor's godparents. We lucked out with a grogeous fall day.

Sean was not very happy throughout the ceremony. It was naptime and all he wanted was for mommy to hold him.

Connor was wonderful during the ceremony. He actually started laughing and smiling when the priest poured the water over his head.

Yes you are seeing that correctly. My 27 year old sister is the one with the cane! Its a step up from the crutches at least and she taught Sean a new word "CANE". He thought it was a fabulous toy.
We had a reception back at our house after the ceremony where we had another little cutie join us. Adorable little boys seem to run int he family. This is Dillon the son of my cousin Tim and his wife Danielle. Isn't he adorable?!?!?

Dillon and Grammy

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I love the fall!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mornings at the Robinson House

Most mornings the boys and I find ourselves in the basement playroom as we all try to wake up and figure out how we're going to spend the day.

Our time in the morning usually involves alot of cuddling (with me and with the stuffed animals) and typically Curious George and Sid the Science Kid........

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Connor's First Bath

Connor is six weeks old and we have definitely given him more than one bath but like all things with your second, we are a little delinquent with posting pictures of poor Connor. In fact the pictures below are actually his second bath. We forgot the camera for his first bath time experience and plan on just telling him that these pictures are really from his very first bath. :) Poor Connor, with Sean his first bath was a huge ordeal with cameras, video cameras the works.......Poor second child.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Playdate with Lauren

Lauren had the day off yesterday and came down for a visit. It had been a rough night with Connor the night before and when Sean's naptime rolled around and Connor cooperated and feel asleep too I grabbed the opportunity to take a little nap myself. Lauren was already headed our way so I left the door open for her figuring that she could just come in when she got here. I was certain I would hear her car when she pulled up but didn't want her to have to use the doorbell any wake up any of the sleeping children.

I fell asleep the minute my head hit the pillow and woke about 45 minutes later. I picked up my cell phone and texted Lauren "Where are you?" figuring that she was probably still on her way. The next thing I know I get a text message back from her "In your basement". Kinda freaky huh!!!

Turns out that she had come in checked on me but that I was so far gone that I didn't even move so she decided it best to let me sleep. Guess I really needed that nap. Anyway, after we all woke up we went to a playground in Groton for the afternoon and got some really great pics with Lauren's new camera.

The park really doesn't do much for Connor at the moment.