Monday, February 2, 2009

Stay and Play Cafe

Saturday Mark and I took Sean to the Stay and Play Cafe in Old Saybrook. Its a great place where parents can get a cup of coffee or tea and the kids can run off their excess energy in their indoor gym all for only $5.00 per kid. For $5.00 you can stay all day if you like. Sean is one of the younger kids, the age range is from birth to age six. He's fascinated by the big kids so that alone can keep him occupied for hours but he also really loves the train set. I'd say that is his favorite part.
Do you see the other kid in this picture??? That's Sean's very first Bully!!! He's four years old and didn't have a parent in sight anywhere. Sean and he were both playing nicely with the trains but the 4yr old decided that he wanted all the trains. He took the ones the Sean had in his hands and Sean immediately tried to take them back. Next thing I know the 4yr pushed poor little Sean to the ground because he was mad that he took his trains. It was all I could do to hold Mark back from strangling the kid.........We moved on to other toys at that point.


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